Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Meeting With Tim Hortons & McDonalds Lobbyists on Foreign Workers Program - Transcript

TP (Timothy Powers - Works for Tim Hortons)
RS (Robin Speers - Works for McDonalds)

RS: Hello I’m Robin Spears representing McDonalds and this is Timothy Powers representing Tim Hortons.

TP: We are here in favor of the temporary foreign worker program in benefitting our companies and Canada’s economy.

J.L.A.: Alright, let’s get started. What are some key reasons you are in favour of the Foreign Worker Program?

TP: The main reason that both our companies are in favour of this program is because it brings more economic advancements to Canada, and also increases Canada’s multiculturalism.

J.L.A.:  Okay. So, addressing the first issue, what is your stance on abuse of this program? There have, of course, been situations where companies have used the Foreign Workers Program as a business model. In other words, they are trying to use foreign workers to pay less to their workers.

TP: Our companies believe that the workers are treated and paid fairly for the jobs they are in. The positions are generally low paying regardless of who is filling them, and the jobs are unwanted in the first place. Compared to the countries workers come from, for example Mexico or China, the wages are already substantially higher, the work not as difficult and far fewer health risks.

RS:  I agree. Alongside this, the FWP was originally made to fill labour shortages, and we believe that abuse of the program can be simply stopped by taking some federal measures…

J.L.A.: Alright, so what would these federal measures look like?

TP: Well, some ideas that we have included are, introducing specific foreign worker rights and freedoms to protect the interests and people themselves, a well as certain laws that have to be respected and obeyed by the corporation or owner of the workplace.  Also, by regulating what companies are paying their workers and charging their customers. This regulation can be done at planned times, or even in a system like spot checking.

J.L.A.: Why are your companies just paying most of your foreign workers minimum wage? Both Tim Hortons and McDonald's bring in millions a year and yet most of your workers just make minimum wage. Your companies could certainly afford paying more than minimum wage but yet you don’t, why is that?

TP: Well we are in the mindset for the best of our companies that we produce quality food and at a minimal price, with foreign workers we are able to pay them minimum wage and the demand for jobs are high.

J.L.A.: Ok. So we have covered the rights of foreign workers. How do you think this program benefits Canadians? Do you believe that Canadians should have priority when getting jobs?

RS: Although Canadians may feel like they are directly impacted by a this and citizens are not the priority, the fact of the matter is that the foreign workers who come here take on jobs that really no one would want to do, and thus there are even more jobs created contributing to Canada's economy creating just as good opportunities for the citizens.

J.L.A.: What about the issue of possible increasing terrorist attacks? What do you think the country could do to minimize risks when accepting new foreigners to work in Canada?

RS: Well our government has already addressed this concern and is taking care of that issue by simply the fact of more direct and deeper background checks on individuals entering Canada, for example, the Electronic System.

J.L.A.: Alright perfect. It is good to know that you know what is going on in our country and within the government. It seems that is all we have time for, today. Thanks for coming in, and we will consider your side.

RS: Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with us.

TP: Yes, it is very much appreciated. We hope you now see the positive side to this issue and how it can benefit Canada.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Connect Summit on Food Sustainability

At the first Connect Summit on Food Sustainability, the J.L.A. party had a chance to discuss our ideas and plans with the P.L.A.N. Party. The main issues both parties were concerned about was the environment, economy, human rights, health, and trade. Mainly, both parties agreed, that between all these issues, there should be an overarching balance.

First and foremost, the idea of promotion came up. Both parties agreed this was most effective way to change Canada’s stance on food sustainability. We discussed varying action plans to address the idea of promotion, and following are some of the ideas:

1) Encouragement of Local Economy (see More Details below): Creating a Imported Goods Tax (IGT). This would also, in turn, lead to the lowering of organic food prices. Promoting organic and local foods as our main food source would soon lead to a healthier population. The balance between lowering prices of local food and the IGT would improve our economy in the long run.

2) Education and Awareness: Create advertisements to gain consumer attention on where their food comes from and how it is processed. The J.L.A. Party believes that Canadian consumers should support local economies to a greater extent, however, we are aware of the implications of this. First off, many consumers are not aware of organic foods. Advertisements can create more awareness on this. Secondly, and more importantly, ease of access. Often, organic and locally-made food is hard to find, and the J.L.A. Party wants to create Universal Access on organics. This can be implemented by creating laws for companies which would require them to carry a certain amount of organic products. This is still being discussed.
→ Bring awareness to health effects from pesticide and fertilizer use, and the risk of developing disease or a shortened life span. Many people do not know where their food comes from and what it can do to their health, and in turn encourages consumers to buy organic and locally grown food

More Details on Encouragement of Local Economy: Introduce a tax reduction for farmers and agricultural local businesses, livestock and fisheries in Canada as a way to promote the use of these businesses and allow those individuals to pay lower taxes in order to lower the price of most organic food products so that the citizens could be able to purchase more of these products more often. And as the demand for these organic products goes up, the price would be able to go down allowing more spread and success for local businesses. In this the use of imported food products from countries like japan and china could be cut down for the better health of our citizens. The main issue with this right now is that we are more focused on having a better economy by buying these foreign products rather than realizes the long term effects it has beheld on our health. With this our idea of implementing tax reductions for farmers and local organic businesses would help raise our economy in canada and also allow canadians to be more healthy and making good food choices.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Spot the Difference!

Remember this awesome poster? When it was posted up, the J.LA. Party was unaware of Connect school rules about not posting paper on walls without the principal's permission. Because of this rule, the J.LA. Party took down our posters for the time being in respect of this space and the people. We believe in playing fair and thinking for our constituents: Details Matter. YOU Matter. 

Getting Tired of All this Paper??

Are you grade 6s getting tired of all these ads? Everywhere you turn, are you seeing what we're seeing?  Paper, paper, paper…EVERYWHERE! All these other parties are wasting paper and trees, just to get your attention! But the J.LA. Party knows you! We know that this school is technology driven, and environmentally friendly! The J.LA. Party has no excessive paper ads posted everywhere in the school!

Are you an environmentalist? Are you a techie? Are you annoyed too?


Monday, June 2, 2014


This image was recently released, and the involved members are suspected to be three cabinet ministers Honorable Kason Jenney, Minister for Multiculturalism; the Honorable Ghelly Slover, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official languages; and the Honorable Ahris Clexander, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.

In consideration of the three cabinet ministers involved in the released image, the J.L.A. Party believes that they were discussing the implications (results) of this map to consider and assess the current diversity and balance of Canada’s social community.

There will be three levels of understanding the official languages:
1) To immigrate to Canada you need a basic understanding of one or both of the official languages. 
2) To gain citizenship you need an intermediate understanding of one or both of the official languages.
3) Implement the right for big corporations and companies to evaluate on a personal level of the applicable official language of the region, and if not eligible for the job they can be turned away due to their language deficit.

This new requirement does not apply to existing residents and citizens of Canada (ie. First Nations, Inuit or Metis) in order to protect culture and heritage. It will only be required to current citizens if basic understanding of an official language is required by an employer. The new law is meant to “break down the language barrier” and allow all Canadians and immigrants to communicate and be part of a multicultural society.

Definitions of levels of understanding [of an official language]:
Standard: The ability to uphold a basic and simple conversation for the means of communication. Also includes the basic understanding of interpreting an official language (written or spoken). Quick and efficient interpretation of difficult words not required.

Intermediate: Can conversate either official language with minimal error, although slowly, learns new terms with some difficulty. Basic writing skills, but with spelling and grammar errors.

Advanced: Able to speak fluent conversational English and/or French, write fluent English and/or French with minimal error (in both spelling and grammar), with quick ability to interpret newer and difficult words.

In our opinion, while this map shows much diversity within Canada, it also indicates that a large portion of Canada’s population lacks the fluency and involvement within Canada’s originating cultures such as Anglophones, Francophones, and the FNMI (First Nations, Metis, Inuit) groups. The J.L.A. highly values immigrants as they contribute to Canada’s economy and social culture, and the preservation of them through collective and individual rights. However we also believe in the importance of Canada’s own heritage and official languages, and would like to introduce new measures to ensure it stays strong and significant within current Canadian values of multiculturalism.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

News Release: Senate Scandal

Addressing the issue of the Senate scandal, the J.L.A has outlined a new 5 point plan to address issues and advantages of the Senate and changes that can be made to better our federal government. 

  1. Senate Election: We would like to make it so that Senators will be elected same time and way as the House of Commons. Canada should be a society with equal citizens, where there is no discrimination against anyone because of beliefs, race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, etc. Our plan to establish a strong society in which this happens is to tighten laws on equality. This includes equality within different “titles” of people.” As stated in our platform, we believe that everyone should be treated in a fair way, and Senators have no entitlement to special privileges because of their title, as they are citizens too. Alongside this, we propose that Senators be re-elected every four years.
  2. Lower Pay for Members of the Senate: As mentioned in our party platform, we are lowering taxes for the good of the citizens, so the pay that members of the Senate will receive will now be at a reasonable rate now, rather than extremely high to accommodate for both the tax rates, and the Senate issue.
  3. Annual Audit on All Senators: The taxes YOU pay will benefit YOU, and you can count on the J.L.A. Party to ensure this.” - J.LA. Party Platform. Taking into consideration the recent events that have occurred within the federal government, the J.LA. Party is proposing to now have extensive background checks for all Senators annually to ensure that government revenue is being used responsibly and for appropriate sources. This is a promise we are making and intend to keep; we will make sure the taxes are being spent correctly and citizens are being represented in the best way possible.
  4. J.L.A. Party Agrees With Senate Representation System: As a party who believes in economic equality, we believe that Canada’s citizens and government should both play a role in the country’s economy. Alongside our values of economic equality, the J.L.A Party also believes in social equality, meaning, we agree with the current system that each area with their different social and economical values should have representation within the Senate. This will ensure that the entire country’s voice is heard, and all issues are carefully considered when making important decisions.
  5. Senators Cannot Be a Part of a Political Party: Like stated above, the J.L.A. Party supports social equality. While we believe in having government involvement in Canada’s issues, we also believe the citizens should have social freedom to voice their opinions freely without the influence of being a part of a political party. Therefore we propose that in an election, candidates must run individually for the Senate in hopes to eliminate bias and create a completely fresh “second opinion.” This will allow the Senate to serve the people, not a party.   
The J.LA. Party

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

News Release Response - Y.C.J.A. Adjustments

In response to the recent press release regarding the proposed revisions to the Y.C.J.A (Youth Criminal Justice Act), we believe that placing youths 11-14 under stricter sentences, but not a full adult sentence will prove beneficial, because as listed within our platform, we believe in strong and effective justice for all, including 11-14 years of age. In our terms, effective justice for youth should not be an adult sentence, but rather the idea of rehabilitation and reintegration alongside creating strong morals and values.

The purposes of the YCJA (rehabilitation and reintegration) is something the J.L.A. Party strongly aligns with, however we also strongly believe that serious offences committed by all youth should receive more meaningful and serious consequences without the weight of having an adult sentence. We believe that the long term effects of an adult sentence on a youth have been proven to be more harmful in youth rather than beneficial...

In conclusion, the existing YCJA system is effective in reducing crime in Canada, because it considers each and every case for itself and works to rehabilitate and reintegrate young citizens back into society. We believe that young offenders are still in their development age, and need help to become active and contributing members of their communities. The changes suggested will help to teach young citizens that their actions have repercussions and more serious consequences.